Welcome to RJP Grenoble!
The RJP conference is made by and for young physicists from Grenoble area. It is organized by PhD students and post-docs who are members of the Youth Network of the French Physical Society (Société Française de Physique). It is a one-day event for non-permanent physicists working in Grenoble for social and scientific exchange. It will be a great opportunity for you to gain a broad overview of other ongoing research areas and physics fields, but also to build a strong network with other young physicists.
RJP main objective is to present projects and research areas of PhD students and post-doctorants through either oral presentations or a poster session. This allows sharing your work in a pedagogic manner to other young physicists of Grenoble, and to learn more about physics.
This event is a great opportunity to meet new friends and engage in passionate discussions between physicists, allowing you to envision the plurality of this research field in Grenoble. Come to discuss and share your experiences with other young physicists from different domains!
This year’s theme is « Science Popularization ». Indeed, science communication is a complex but essential task throughout a researcher’s career. This will be a great opportunity for you to practice this skill while interacting with other young people in your situation, without thesis supervisors or permanent staff.
Do you want to explain your research area and the general ideas of your field in simple terms in 10 minutes or less? Sign up for the oral presentation session!
Or you prefer discussing face-to-face around some food with other students? The poster session is perfect for you!
Program of the day
RJP is a daylong event! Joining the poster session or the oral presentation is an amazing opportunity to test your communication skills to a broader public. Prizes will be awarded to best posters and presentations!
Moreover, there will be a debate with a professional of science vulgarisation focusing on the best way to communicate scientific concepts to a broader public. The invited speaker is Mr Julien Delahaye, winner of the Jean Perrin price for science vulgarization attributed each year by SFP.
Coffee breaks and a buffet prepared by Dauphinois Gourmand will be offered to all partecipants. Goodies will also await for you at your arrival!

By Olivier Isnard

By Mr. Julien Delahaye and AurorAlpes delegate

The participation is free for both the speakers and the listeners. We strongly encourage you to register for an oral or a poster presentation in order to benefit the most from the conference .
You can register for the conference by clicking here.Oral Presentation or a Poster
In its choice of speakers, the committee seeks to scan as many different areas of physics as possible. You can either present your main research subject or your physics domain in general. Remember: the other participants may not have your same background, try to keep it clear and simple!
Each oral presentation will last a maximum of ten minutes, plus five minutes for the questions session. Special attention should be paid to pedagogy and the perspective of the subject in a more general context. The subject must remain accessible to an audience of physicists who are not specialists in the field. You can expect your audience to come from different backgrounds like Nanophysics, Cosmology, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Thermodynamics etc.
The oral or poster contributions should both introduce the field of study and describe the research work of the participant, with a reconciling view between a demanding scientific communication and a pedagogic presentation.
Presentations should be in English as the participants will be from different nationalities. Further, the presentation materials (slides, posters, etc.) must be in English and bear the logo of the Doctoral School on which the speaker depends.
La Maison de la création et de l’innovation
339 avenue Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères
Access by tram
Ligne B – stop Gabriel Fauré
(Click here to open in Google Maps)
Our sponsors

The team
Natalia BOSCOLO MENEGUOLO (natalia.boscolomeneguolo@cea.fr), Andrea CERNUSCHI (andrea.cernuschi@lpsc.in2p3.fr), Nils MARQUARDT (nils.marquardt@lncmi.cnrs.fr), Tristan RICCARDI (tristan.riccardi@neel.cnrs.fr), Morgane TOUREILLE (morgane.toureille@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr),