Welcome to RJP Grenoble!


A one day event for non-permanent physicists working in Grenoble for social and scientific exchange. It will be a great opportunity for you to gain a broad overview of the ongoing research  and to enter into a strong network of young physicists.


RJP’s are focused on the presentation of projects of doctorants and post-doctorants through a series of talks and posters. The interest of this colloquium is to offer a dedicated space to share their work in a pedagogic manner to other young physicists of Grenoble.

Traditionally, this event is a moment of new meetings and passionate exchanges between physicists. These exchanges engage different subjects in physics permitting to envision the plurality of this field of research in Grenoble. The shared moments throughout this day allow us to discuss these passionate subjects permitting young physicists from different domains to interact and share their experiences.

This year’s theme is « Science Popularization ». Indeed, science communication is a complex but essential task throughout a researcher’s career. This will be a great opportunity for you to practice this skill while interacting with other young people in your situation, without thesis supervisors or permanent staff.

Do you want to explain your research area and the general ideas of your field in simple terms in under 10 minutes? Then sign up for the oral presentation session!

If you prefer discussing face-to-face around some food with other students, then the poster session is perfect for you.

Program of the day

RJP is a daylong event including a keynote speakers presentations. The first one, “...” will be given by Mr Julien Delahaye, a professional of science vulgarisation. He will be presenting ...

In addition to this talk, the day will be rhymed by presentations and posters of our young physicists, fun activities such as cocktails, surprise events and prizes distribution. Below is the program of RJP 2024.

Bruno Lavit

09.00   Open ceremony
Welcome address & SFP presentation
By Olivier Isnard
09.30   Session 1
First session of presentations made by students.
Coffee Break
11.00   Session 2
Second session of presentations made by students.
Lunch and Poster Session
14.00   Keynote speaker
By Mr. Julien Delahaye
Lunch and Poster Session
16.30   Session 3
Third session of presentations made by students.
Quiz Session and
Image contest winner
17.30   Session 4
Prize distribution & Goodies
End of the day

RJP 2022-23 GOAL

Oral presentations
Research Institutions


The participation is free for both the speakers and the listeners. We strongly encourage you to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation in order to benefit the most from the conference .

You can register for the conference by clicking here. Abstract of the oral presentation or poster can be uploaded in the registration form. A template for abstract is available below.

Please note that all participants will be contacted after the deadline of submitting abstract

(14th April)

Oral Presentation or a Poster

In its choice of speakers, the committee seeks to promote both the quality of research and the clarity of the subject, while trying to scan different areas of physics.

Each oral presentation will last a maximum of ten minutes, plus five minutes for the questions session. Special attention should be paid to pedagogy and the perspective of the subject in a more general context. The subject must remain accessible to an audience of physicists who are not specialists in the field. You can expect your audience to come from different backgrounds like Nanophysics, Cosmology, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Thermodynamics etc.

The oral or poster contributions should both introduce the field of study and describe the research work of the participant, with a reconciling view between a demanding scientific communication and a pedagogic presentation.

Presentations should be in English as the participants will be from different nationalities. Further, the presentation materials (slides, posters, etc.) must be in English and bear the logo of the Doctoral School on which the speaker depends.


GreEn-Er Building

Amphitheater Coulomb 1C002

21 Avenue des Martyrs

Accès en tram

Ligne B – arrêt CEA Cambridge

Accès en bus

Transisère, ligne Express 1, arrêt CEA Cambridge

(Click here to open in Google Maps)

Grenoble INP - Ense3 à GreEn-ER

Our sponsors

Grenoble Alpes University
Grenoble Doctoral School of Physics
Laboratory d'Alliance of nanosciences-future energy
SFP (Société Française de Physique)
Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physics
Institut Néel
Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble
Laboratoire Modélisation et Exploration des Matériaux

The team

Nicolas APARICIO (nicolas.aparicio@neel.cnrs.fr), Ivana FALCO (ivana.Falco@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr), Marc GROSJEAN (marc.grosjean@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr), Capucine GUENEAU (Capucine.gueneau@cea.fr), Hanna KARAOUI (Hanna.karaoui@cea.fr),

Nicolas APARICIO (Institut Néel)
Ivana FALCO (LiPhy)
Capucine GUENEAU (Spintec)
Hanna KARAOUI (Spintec)